
[스크랩] Perhaps Love 악보

sej57 2017. 5. 14. 16:55

Perhaps Love 악보


John Denver & Plácido Domingo in Studio - Perhaps Love (1981)

Per-haps love is like a res-ting place a shel-ter from the storm

It exists to give _ you com-fort it is there to keep you warm.

And in those times of trou-ble when you are most a-lone

The me-mo-ry of love will bring you home

Per-haps love is like a win-dow per-haps an op-en door 

It in-vites you to come clo-ser It wants to show you more

And even if you lose you-r-self and don't know what to do

The me-mo-ry of love will see you thru

Oh love to some is like a cloud to some as strong as steel

For some a way of lo-ving for some a way to feel

And some say love is hol - ding and some say let-ing go

And some say love is e-v'ry-thing some say they don't know

Per-haps lo-ve is like the ocean full of con-flict full of pain

Like a fire when it's cold out - side thun-der when it rains

If I should live for-e-ver And all my dreams come true

My me-mo-ries of love will be of you.

아마 사랑은 휴식처며, 폭풍의 피난처.

그대를 위로하면서, 따뜻하게 해주리.

또걱정의 시간에 혼자서 힘들면,

사랑의 기억이 편케하리.

아마 사랑은 창문 같고, 열린문 같아.

가까이 오라고 불러 더보여 주려네.

길을 잃고 뭘할지 모르는 때조차도

사랑의 기억이 도와주죠.

오, 사랑은 구름같다, 쇠처럼 강하다,

다 사랑하고 느끼는 방법들이죠.

누군 사랑이 품는거, 누군 놓는거라.

누군 사랑이 모든것, 누군 모른다라.

아마 사랑은 갈등이 고통이 넘친 해안.

바깥이 찰때 불과 같고,비올때 천둥.

내가 영원히 살아 꿈을 이룬다면,

내사랑의 기억은 바로 당신

출처 : 숲길의 사색
글쓴이 : 눈솔-강판순 원글보기
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